‘Mini Vinnies’ are children aged between 7 to 11 (or younger) who, with the permission of their parents and the support of our Schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible ‘Vincentians for life’.
As Mini Vinnies, the children have their own ‘treasured’ Prayer, Pledge and Badge, a dedicated website and a range of bright and colourful documents which guide them in their formative steps – helping and enabling them to become in every sense, young Vincentians – or ‘Mini Vinnies’.
In our school, we have a vibrant Mini Vinnies club which meets regularly to follow the example of St Vincent de Paul and help those in need.
For more information about Mini Vinnies click on the website image below.
The Mini Vinnies are part of the St. Vincent de Paul society which aims to turn concern into action in their community.
The Mini Vinnies begin and end each session with prayer, asking for God’s help with their planned activities such as crafting, creating artwork and visiting local charities. The children also work hard to raise money for various local and International charities.
The Mini Vinnies are very fortunate to have had great support from the Parish with Mr and Mrs Raynor and members of the SVP to help the children with their good work.
The Mini Vinnies prayer focus for this half term has been showing peace to others through prayer. They have focused their time on the Shoebox Appeal which the children prepared a Collective Worship on. They worked hard towards our Harvest Festival and the Coat Amnesty.
Forthcoming activities for the Mini Vinnies include spending time in reflective prayer during Advent and Lent, visiting the church to walk the stations of the cross, and making Christmas cards for the sick in our parish.
They are also making ribbons and having cake sales to raise money for Benji's appeal-to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Charities at home and abroad.
Our focus, after Christmas, will be on the Year of the Word -it is God who speaks. We will be collecting books.
'When I am attend Mini Vinnies ,I am trying to make a difference for charities.'
'It feels a big responsibility to be able to care for others.'
'We try to make our school a better place.'
'Mini Vinnies strengthens my friendship with God.'