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Mini Vinnies

The Mini Vinnies are part of the St. Vincent de Paul society which aims to turn concern into action in their community. 


The Mini Vinnies begin and end each session with prayer, asking for God’s help with their planned activities such as crafting, creating artwork and visiting local charities. The children also work hard to raise money for various local and International charities.


The Mini Vinnies are very fortunate to have great support from the Parish with Mr and Mrs Raynor and members of the SVP  to help the children with their good work.


The Mini Vinnies prayer focus for this half term has been showing mercy for others through prayer. They have focused their time on creating a set of prayer cards for our Parish.The cards offered a  prayer and illustration for Lent. The second prayer card is based on the Stations of the Cross which the children  prepared a Whole School Collective Worship on.


Forthcoming activities for the Mini Vinnies include spending time in reflective prayer during Lent, visiting the church to walk the stations of the cross, and making Easter cards for our parish.


They are also making Easter ribbons to raise money for our 5p appeal-to raise money for homeless shelters and food banks locally.


Our focus this year has been on Mary, our Mother.